Pontoon L Complete 31/08/2012
Pontoon L is complete and yachts are moving back this evening. Owners of yachts berthed on Pontoon K will be contacted with information about their interim berth over the coming weekend. Please do not move until instructed to do so by the Berthing Master.
Renovation – Pontoon L Starting
Pontoon M is now complete and boats have returned to their berths. Work on Pontoon L has started and as of tomorrow morning 9th August 2012, water and electricity to this pontoon will be disconnected. Any yacht owners who require assistance to move their yachts today, are advised to contact the Marina Office on 21337049.
Diving Services and Yacht Charters
Need a diver to check your hull and propellors before sailing? Want to charter a yacht and sail with friends? Check out the services page for diving services and yacht charters.
RIB Stolen 4th/5th August 2012
Stolen from Pontoon A Berth 1 of the Msida & Ta’Xbiex Marina over the weekend of 4th-5th August 2012: Light grey 4.75m Silverline RIB, registration No S-17099, with black 60Hp 4-stroke Mercury engine Serial No OP570337, foward and rear bench seats, and centre console.
Anyone noticing any activity on this boat any time after 12:00 on Saturday 4th August 2012 is asked to contact the Marina Office on 21337049, or info@creekdevelopments.com.

A Vector outboard motor was also stolen recently, Serial No F511B005. Anyone offered either of these items should contact the Marina Office on 21337049.