Christmas Competition 2013

In conjunction with Creek Developments Plc, the Msida Local Council is organising a Christmas Decoration Competition for the boats berthed in the Msida & Ta’Xbiex Marinas and the Fishermen’s Pontoon inside Msida Creek.

The Msida Local Council has kindly offered to award trophies for the best decorated boat. The prizes are as follows:

–      Best Decorated Leisure Boat – Christmas 2013

–      Best Decorated Fishing Boat – Christmas 2013

–      Best Decorated Pontoon – Christmas 2013

The Best Decorated Pontoon competition is a team event for the boats on a particular pontoon and competition will be among other pontoons in the Marina, as well as the Fishermen’s pontoon.

Msida Local Council will be switching on the Christmas Decorations in Msida on the 7th December, and ideally would like boats to switch on at the same time. Adjudication will take place between Christmas and New Year. Pictures of the decorated boats will be featured on Facebook as well as in the local media.

